Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

An introduction ?

Friday, May 21st, 2010

This is a “Post”. Let’s find out how a post is used in this CMS and  how it can be useful. It may be one of or the pathway to actually provide content to the system. Perhaps it turns out to be a blog entry, except that in can be arranged to be a standalone page with its own URL ? It might make sense to read more documentation but adding a record of how this system was put to use is by itself of value.

So, who are we ? Currently, this is a site centered around the Pleschs as in Plesch family. In that sense, we are four of us: Madeline, Acacia, Silke and Andreas. Madeline (“Maddy”) and Acacia (“Cacia”) are our two girls, turning 5 and 7, now very soon. Silke is a  psychotherapist, and Andreas is structural geologist in an academic environment.